Pyth NFT Floor & Average Price Oracle 50k

Description: Build a Pyth oracle that publishes floor price and average price for any mint on the top six marketplaces on Solana (Solanart, ME, Alpha Art,, Digital Eyes, and FTX).

Specifics: One Pyth Oracle struct per mint, presents latest floor price and latest average price, with an enum class for the marketplace. The ETL should produce updates to these oracles at least once per day.

Judge: @shadddowfax

Serum prize 25k

Description: looking for innovative projects to build on our liquidity infrastructure to further the vision of serving 1 billion users on chain

Judge: Michelle Sun, advisor, Project Serum

Social Good Prize

Sponsored by Infinity Labs, Prize: 5 Infinity Labs NFTs

Description: Build an app that demonstrates some social good.

Judge: Infinity Labs

GooseFX NFT Hackathon Challenge

Prize: $10K USDC and 5 Goose NestQuest NFTs for NFT staking

Judge: GooseFX team